  Shoes, Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris 1986  

Once a year, this European shoe manufacturer, Orcade chooses a top photographer to shoot its image campaign cover.  The photographer is given complete freedom to come up with an artistic shot, as long as a pair of shoes is present in the picture.  "I loaded my Nikon with Tri-x  film and with a pair of shoes under my arm, decided to head over to the Jardin du Luxembourg.  I like the challenge of something a bit different and had fun with the interplay of light and shadow.  One of the only requirements was that the composition of the photo work as both a horizontal (above) and also as a vertical, (draw a line down the middle from top to bottom, and take the right half of the frame)".

About the photographer . .
Steve Landis has travelled through many parts of the world during a career in professional photography incorporating the areas of photojournalism, fashion, beauty, and celebrity portrait photography for major publications for over 25 years.  Steve has turned his life over to Yeshua the Messiah, (Jesus the Christ) and now primarily photographs weddings, family, actor, and executive portraits.

"I have been greatly blessed during my life and give the glory and thanks to Yeshua for a renewed life of peace and joy," states Landis. 

Fine Art Prints  —  Certain images may be available in limited editions, as archival quality fine art prints, signed by the photographer.  Inquire by clicking on the e-mail link below and writing the words "Art Prints" in the subject heading, and include the name of the photo you are interested in, within the text of the e-mail.




All photographs and other content contained herein is owned by and Copyright 1975-2009 by Steve Landis.This web page Copyright 2005 by Steve Landis.  All other rights are reserved.

To contact Steve Landis please e-mail: For work related inquiries please write "Photo Work" in the Subject heading.All photographs ©stevelandis 1975-2010. All other rights reserved.